Getting started with Jekyll as been interesting.

I have decided to continue to use the provided theme minima.

The plugins that I have added are

  • jekyll-seo-tag
  • jekyll-analytics

Seo Tag

To add the seo tag plugin I first had to create a new folder _includes. Then I had to find my theme’s head template. This was found using bundle info minima. Next I copied my theme’s _includes/head.html to my new folder _includes. Then I added {% seo %} before </head> in the newly copied file.


I added the below to _config.yml to get google analytics working:

  GoogleAnalytics:          # Add, if you want to track with Google Analytics
    id: UA-????????-?       # Required - replace with your tracking id
    anonymizeIp: false      # Optional - Default: false - set to true for anonymized tracking

Fav Icon

To added the image I wanted to use as the fav icon to my project as favicon.png. Then I edited _includes/head.html adding <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.png"> right before <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ "/assets/main.css" | relative_url }}">.

Embedding images:

This is an image of a squirrel

I am constantly having to go back and reference the Jekyll docs.